House On The Rock Ministries

International Ministries
Seed to The Sower Projects

In 2006 God led House On The Rock Ministries to expand our international focus to include our Seed to The Sower program. Based on Paul’s powerful encouragement in 2 Cor 9:10 God is using HRM’s Seed to The Sower program in harvest fields around the world to “supply and increase your (their) store of seed and enlarge the harvest.” Through this exciting initiative we provide effective, deeply impacting marriage building curriculum to eager Christian leaders in nations throughout the world. These leaders receive free curriculum from HRM, along with a self-study Leader’s Guide that instructs them on how to use the curriculum. These excited Christians quickly translate this powerful life changing relational “seed” and sow it into hearts, lives and marriages in their churches, communities and nations. These priceless translations are then made available to other nations, or people groups, that speak the same language. House On The Rock now has Seed to The Sower programs initiated or developing in eleven different countries with more being added each year!
As we have ministered internationally we have discovered a universal hunger and desperate need for effective, biblically sound marriage and family building curriculum resources. All HRM needs, to spread God’s marriage transforming relational truths into more nations through Seed to The Sower, is to partner with churches and other Christian organizations that have translation capabilities and a pre-existing relational infrastructure in those countries. Then we can cooperatively seek God for cost-effective ways to have these priceless resources translated into the native languages of those particular harvest fields and distribute these treasured resources to eagerly waiting sowers!